Structural Heart Live Cases is broadcast from The Mount Sinai Hospital Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory on the second Tuesday of every other month from 9:00 am – 10:00 am (EST). The cases will be archived and posted online either later that day or the day after. The archived cases are enhanced with a topic overview and downloadable slide set.

The goal of this new program is to demonstrate safe therapeutic options in the treatment of structural heart disease. We will highlight safe and effective techniques using live demonstrations for the treatment of heart valves and muscle. The purpose of this live webcast is to educate the Interventional Cardiologist, of all levels of expertise, to confidently treat structural heart disease. We will provide a multi-disciplinary forum to discuss all available medical, surgical and interventional treatment paradigms. This is an interactive learning platform to allow the individual to actively participate in an on-line discussion with questions submitted via email. Live structural heart disease webcasts will also include Power Point presentations with live cases moderated by world renown-experts in this field.

Upcoming planned case topics include:

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