Archive: Peripheral - 2018

63 year old male with PMH of HTN, HLD, NIDDM, CKD, former smoker and CAD s/p recent CABG.

69 year old male with h/o DM, HTN, HLD, active smoker (1 ppd), with non healing left diabe...

76 year old male with HTN, HLD, DM who presents with R>L rest pain, who presents for PTA o...

78 year male with prior CABG, aorto-bypass with one thrombosed limb if the graft, now pres...

71 year old female with PVD s/p right AKA, CAD, ex smoker, HTN, insulin dependent diabetes...

58 year old man, current smoker (1.5 packs per day), HTN and non insulin dependent diabete...

71 year old female with history of type 2 DM, hypertension, dyslipidemia and stage 3 CKD.

72 year old woman with history of type 2 DM, chronic kidney disease (baseline creatinine 1...

72 year old man with history of type 2 DM, chronic kidney disease (baseline creatinine 1.9...

84 year old female with history of HTN, type 2 DM, coronary artery disease and CKD.

81 year old man with known history of type 2 DM, hypertension, dyslipidemia and coronary a...