CC: 68 y.o. man with lifestyle limiting right lower extremity claudication despite exercise and Cilostazol therapy
Past medical history: PAD with multiple interventions, Carotid artery disease with left CEA, CAD, MI, PCI of RCA, HTN, DM and HPL
Medications: Aspirin, Plavix, Cilostazol, Lipitor, Metoprolol, Enalapril, Norvasc, Glipizide, Levothyroxine, Meformin
Medications: ASA, Plavix, Cilostazol, Coreg, Atorvastatin, Losartan, Flomax, Metformin, Glimepiride, Glipizide, ISMN and Finasteride
Social History: Ex-Smoker, No history of alcohol or drug abuse
Pertinent Physical Examination:

Vitals: 153/75, Pulse-78/min, Pulse Ox-98% on RA, RR-17/min, Temp-98.5F
Poor pedal pulses
Prior Peripheral Interventions:

Right distal CI-prox EI PTA and Stent
Left SFA Atherectomy
Left proximal TPT PTA
Current Plan:

Right SFA CTO Intervention
Consideration of Drug Coated Balloon use

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